After nearly three years of preparation,“The 5th Interntaional Workshop on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings” and “The 3rd International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health(EERB-BEPH 2009)” co-sponsored by Hunan University, Hong Kong University, and Tsinghua University. ) was…

Courses Taught
Since 1988, Dr. Zhang has taught the following courses: [1] Building sustainable development technology, for Doctor and Master Degree Students of Building Environment and Equipment Engineering [2] Building environment and equipment engineering system analysis, for Doctor and Master Degree Students of Building Environment and…
Guest Speaker-Guoqiang Zhang-China Construction 4.0 International Innovation Forum-China Building Website Report
The Interview Video Collection of Professor Guoqiang Zhang in China Construction 4.0 International Innovation Forum

International Conferences
Since 2001, Dr. Zhang has chaired 6 international conferences: [1] 2001,The 4th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings(IAQVEC2001), Chairman The first large scale international conference on these themes in China.This conference was coordinated by…

Graduated Ph.D. Thesis
Since 2000, Dr. Zhang has guided 44 PhD. students, among which 21 have graduated and obtained their degree. Likui Yu, 2001-2004, Building environmental performance simulation, evaluation and optimization research Jianlong Liu, 2002-2007, based on the stochastic theory of residential indoor environmental…

Address: College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, 410082, China Office: Room 403, Engineering Experimental Building, Hunan University Tel/Fax: +86 731 8882 1664 Mobile: +86 139 0731 7560 Email:, Website:, URL:

Energy & Environment Promotion
In 1998 , Dr Zhang initiated the first Internet website in the field of HVAC in China: ““, under the support of the EU Asia – Link project (2005-2007) and the Ministry of Finance and National Development and Reform Commission…

University-Industry-International Cooperation
Based on Center for Sustainable Built Environment, Hunan University, Dr. Zhang has established whole University-Industry-Research and International system,including organizations and teams, in the field of Sustainable Built Environment, the organizations include: [1] Center for Sustainable Built Environment, Hunan University Interdisplinary…

Sustainable Education
Since 1999, Dr. Zhang has gradually established a multi-disciplinary education system for sustainable built environment , including international cooperative education, sustainable building courses, new speciality setting and student competition practices, etc. : [1] Hunan University (China)-Concordia University (Canada) cooperative educational programs (including Building…