- 2016-01-01 01:53:02
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1. 研究内容
2. 研究项目
(2) 国家十一五科技支撑计划项目:村镇低品位能源综合利用关键技术研究
(3) 国家自然科学基金项目:集中供冷住宅小区能源管理系统的基础研究
(4) 国家自然科学基金项目:天然气基分布式供能与大型公共建筑用能一体化系统研究
(5) 湖南省科技重大专项项目:绿色低碳小区节能减排技术集成与应用示范
(3) 国家自然科学基金项目:集中供冷住宅小区能源管理系统的基础研究
(4) 国家自然科学基金项目:天然气基分布式供能与大型公共建筑用能一体化系统研究
(5) 湖南省科技重大专项项目:绿色低碳小区节能减排技术集成与应用示范
3. 论文著作
(1) Jing Zeng, Jie Han, Guoqiang Zhang.Diameter optimization of district heating and cooling piping network based on hourly load. Applied thermal engineering, Vol.107(2016), 750-757
(2) Jie Han, Leixin Ouyang, Yuzhen Xu, Shushuo Kang, Guoqiang Zhang. Current status of distributed energy system in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol.55(2016), 288-29
(3) Shushuo Kang, Hongqiang Li, Lifang Liu, Rong Zeng, Guoqiang Zhang. Evaluation of a novel coupling system for various load conditions under different operating strategies. Energy Conversion & Management, 2016,109:40-50
(4) Rong Zeng, Hongqiang Li, Runhua Jiang, Lifang Liu, Guoqiang Zhang. A novel multi-objective optimization method for CCHP-GSHP coupling systems. Energy and Buildings,2016,112:149-158
(5) Zhun Yu, Jun Li, Hongqiang Li, Jie Han, Guoqiang Zhang. A novel methodology for identifying associations and correlations between household appliance behaviour in residential buildings. Energy Procedia, 2015,78: 591-596
(6) Jie Han, Leixin Ouyang, Yuzhen Xu, Rong Zeng, Shushuo Kang, Guoqiang Zhang, Current status of distributed energy systems in China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 55, March 2016, Pages 288–297
(7) Zhun Yu, Gongsheng Huang, Fariborz Haghighat,Hongqiang Li,Guoqiang Zhang, Control strategies for integration of thermal energy storage into buildings: State-of-the-art review, Energy and Buildings Volume 106,2015, Pages 203–215
(8) Shushuo Kang , Hongqiang Li, Lifang Liu , Jing Lei ,Guoqiang Zhang, Exergy analysis of a novel CHP-GSHP coupling system, accepted by Applied Thermal Engineering, 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.09.039
(9) Shushuo Kang , Hongqiang Li, Jing Lei , Lifang Liu , Bo Cai , Guoqiang Zhang, A new utilization approach of the waste heat with mid-low temperature in the combined heating and power system integrating heat pump, Applied Energy,160 (2015) 185–193
(10) Rong Zeng, Hongqiang Li, Lifang Liu, Xiaofeng Zhang, Guoqiang Zhang, novel method based on multi-population genetic algorithm for CCHP–GSHP coupling system optimization, Energy Conversion and Management,105 (2015) 1138–1148
(11) HongQiang Li, ShuShuo Kang, Zhun Yu, Bo Cai, GuoQiang Zhang, A feasible system integrating combined heating and power system with ground-source heat pump, Energy, 74(2014)240-247
(12) Xiao Chen,Guoqiang Zhang,Study on the application of closed-loop lake water heat pump systems for lakefront buildings in south China climates, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy , 6, 033125 (2014)
(13) Xiao Chen, Guoqiang Zhang, Jie Han, Primary energy saving assessments for three types of water-source heat pump systems: case studies of China, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research , Volume (issue) 32(5)( 2014): 2971-2982
(14) Xiao Chen, The energy and exergy efficiencies of renewable energy utilization in a building stock, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 361-363(2013)
(15) HAO Xiao-li, ZHANG Guo-qiang, Maximum useful energy rate and efficiency of a recuperative Brayton cogeneration plant,Journal of Central South University, 20 (2013) 156-163
(16) Xiaoli Hao, Cangzhou Zhu, Yaolin Lin, Haiqiao Wang, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen, Optimizing the pad thickness of evaporative air-cooled chiller for maximum energy saving, Energy and Buildings ,61 (2013) 146-152
(17) Xiao Chen, Jie Han , Jing Zeng, Performance and benefits evaluation of two water-source heat pump systems for district heating, Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vols.204-208(2012), 4225-4228
(18) Yonghui Guo, Guoqiang Zhang, Jin Zhou, Jiasheng Wu, Wei Shen, A techno-economic comparison of a direct expansion ground-source and a secondary loop ground-coupled heat pump system for cooling in a residential building,Applied Thermal Engineering ,35 (2012) 29-39
(19) Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Exergy optimization of Joule-Brayton cogeneration cycle,International Journal of Exergy, 6(2009)34-48
(20) Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Maximum useful energy rate analysis of an endoreversible Joule-Brayton cogeneration cycle, Applied Energy, 84 (2007) 1092–1101
(21) Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen, Role of BCHP in energy and environmental sustainable development and its prospects in China,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(2007) 1827-1842
(22) Xiao Chen, Guoqiang Zhang, Jianguo Peng, Xuanjun Lin, Tingting Liu,The performance of an open-loop lake water heat pump system in south China,Applied Thermal Engineering, 26(2006)2255-2261
(1) 陶川,韩杰,欧阳磊鑫,欧科敏,张国强. 基于贝叶斯模型的区域建筑冷/热负荷预测方法研究. 暖通空调, 45(增刊)(2015), 14-18.
(2) 张国强,徐玉珍,韩杰,刘涛,吴海平.区域供冷系统供回水温差优化模型研究.湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 42(9) (2015), 128-133
(3) 曾蓉,李洪强,张国强. 冷热电三联产系统的优化配置与运行研究. 暖通空调, 45(增刊)(2015), 23-26.
(4) 刘涛;韩杰;夏博;张国强,区域供冷系统最优建筑组合形式研究,建筑科学 2015 (02) pp.117-120
(5) 曾竞,韩杰,张国强,杨志红,袁靓,区域供冷(热)管网优化技术及研究进展,煤气与热力 2014 (12) pp.35-39
(6) 欧科敏,韩杰,周晋,张国强. 区域建筑冷热负荷预测方法及其研究进展[J]. 暖通空调,2014,10:94-100.
(7) 李洪强,张晓烽,董文静,张国强. 智慧建筑能源物联网冷热输送管网优化研究[J]. 工程热物理学报,2014,07:1275-1279.
(8) 康书硕,李洪强,蔡博,霍培娜,朱彩侠,张国强. 分布式能源系统与地源热泵耦合的系统研究[J]. 工程热物理学报,2013,05:817-821.
(9) 陈晓,林汉柱,张国强. 水深与水面风力对湖水源热泵系统性能的影响[J]. 可再生能源,2013,03:107-111.
(10) 陈迪,韩杰,吴海平,陈海峰,张国强. 长沙某高校土壤源热泵热水系统设计及经济性分析[J]. 流体机械,2013,01:82-87.
(11) 蔡博,康书硕,李洪强,董文静,韩杰,张国强. 基于天然气基分布式能源系统智能建筑能源物联网研究[J]. 工程热物理学报,2012,12:2047-2051.
(12) 康书硕,李洪强,蔡博,胡姗,张国强. 冷热电联供系统中“以热定电”与“以电定热”的分析研究[J]. 建筑科学,2012,S2:255-259+265.
(13) 周晋,汪庆军,张国强. 垂直埋管换热器布置形式对地下换热特性的影响分析[J]. 流体机械,2012,09:56-61.
(14) 郝小礼,张国强. 内可逆闭式布雷顿联产装置输出率与效率[J]. 湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版),2012,02:66-71.
(15) 蔡博,李洪强,董文静,韩杰,张国强,张泠. 不同功能建筑的多能源优化匹配研究[J]. 重庆大学学报,2011,S1:128-132.
(16) 郭永辉,张国强,周晋,吴加胜,沈炜. 直接膨胀式地源热泵系统设计与性能分析[J]. 重庆大学学报,2011,S1:62-66.
(17) 郭永辉,张国强,周晋,吴加胜. 直接膨胀式土壤耦合热泵竖直单U形管换热器优化设计[J]. 暖通空调,2011,11:114-118+70.
(18) 张国强,周晋,曹阳,张于峰,邓娜,于向阳,陈亚男,栾景阳,潘玉琴,刁乃仁,于明志,林汉柱. “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目研究课题——村镇低品位能源综合利用关键技术研究[J]. 建设科技,2011,03:23-25.
(19) 郭永辉,张国强,周晋,吴加胜. 直接膨胀式土壤耦合热泵系统设计与施工[J]. 暖通空调,2010,12:61-66.
(20) 陈晓,张国强,林宣军,林汉柱. 夏热冬冷地区闭式湖水源热泵系统的运行特性分析[J]. 太阳能学报,2010,11:1452-1457.
(21) 杨伟,周晋,张国强. U形垂直埋管直接膨胀式地源热泵的性能分析(英文)[J]. Journal of Southeast University(English Edition),2010,02:209-211.
(22) 陈加宝,周晋,张国强. 建筑节能技术(5) 可再生能源在建筑中的应用[J]. 大众用电,2007,05:37-40.
(23) 李志生,张国强,李利新,李冬梅,李丽娟. 美国对太阳能的资助政策及对中国的启示[J]. 建筑经济,2006,10:78-81.
(24) 李洪斌,彭建国,陈晓,李珍贵,张国强. 水-水源热泵系统优化控制模型的建立与分析[J]. 建筑热能通风空调,2006,03:3-7+30.
(25) 陈晓,张国强,彭建国,林宣军,林汉柱. 开式地表水源热泵在湖南某人工湖的应用研究[J]. 制冷学报,2006,03:10-13.
(26) 陈晓,彭建国,张国强,林宣军,林汉柱. 地表水在供冷供热中应用的现状及分析[J]. 建筑热能通风空调,2006,02:25-27+38.
(27) 郝小礼,张国强. 建筑冷热电联产系统综述[J]. 煤气与热力,2005,05:67-73.
(28) 刘婷婷,彭建国,张国强,陈晓. 湖水水源热泵空调系统在湖南省的应用实例分析[J]. 建筑热能通风空调,2004,06:40-44.
(29) 刘婷婷,彭建国,张国强,陈晓. 地表水源热泵在湖南地区的应用分析[J]. 节能技术,2004,05:14-16.
(30) 喻李葵,刘婷婷,彭建国,张国强. 地表水源热泵空调系统供暖模式优化方法[J]. 制冷与空调,2004,04:47-51.
(31) 颜永民,彭建国,张国强,喻李葵,聂美清. 冷热电三联产在我国的发展前景[J]. 制冷与空调,2003,06:11-15.
(32) 陈晓,张国强,杨志昂,文进希. 住宅小区集中供冷系统冷却水利用的探讨[J]. 建筑热能通风空调,2003,04:12-13+16.
(33) 陈晓,张国强,文进希. 区域供冷系统中制冷机系统的优化配置探讨[J]. 流体机械,2003,06:55-58+61.
(34) 于国清,汤广发,张国强. 热水供应系统第二循环管网的水力计算方法[J]. 中国给水排水,2003,04:63-65.
(35) 喻李葵 ,张国强,王瑱. 一种集中供热分户计费方法的研究[J]. 暖通空调,2003,02:126-128.
(36) 陈晓,张国强,龙舜心,文进希. 集中供冷系统中制冷机系统运行与配置方案的优化[J]. 制冷空调与电力机械,2003,01:15-18.
(37) 陈晓,张国强,周军莉,文进希. 几种集中供冷水系统形式的能耗分析与比较[J]. 制冷与空调,2003,01:32-36.
(38) 裴清清,张国强. 哨楼太阳能供暖设备设计与计算[J]. 暖通空调,2000,05:52-54.
宋春玲,张国强,张泉,陈在康. 土壤源热泵—— 一种节能的中央空调系统冷热源[J]. 节能,1998,12:6-9.
(1) Jing Zeng, Jie Han, Guoqiang Zhang.Diameter optimization of district heating and cooling piping network based on hourly load. Applied thermal engineering, Vol.107(2016), 750-757
(2) Jie Han, Leixin Ouyang, Yuzhen Xu, Shushuo Kang, Guoqiang Zhang. Current status of distributed energy system in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol.55(2016), 288-29
(3) Shushuo Kang, Hongqiang Li, Lifang Liu, Rong Zeng, Guoqiang Zhang. Evaluation of a novel coupling system for various load conditions under different operating strategies. Energy Conversion & Management, 2016,109:40-50
(4) Rong Zeng, Hongqiang Li, Runhua Jiang, Lifang Liu, Guoqiang Zhang. A novel multi-objective optimization method for CCHP-GSHP coupling systems. Energy and Buildings,2016,112:149-158
(5) Zhun Yu, Jun Li, Hongqiang Li, Jie Han, Guoqiang Zhang. A novel methodology for identifying associations and correlations between household appliance behaviour in residential buildings. Energy Procedia, 2015,78: 591-596
(6) Jie Han, Leixin Ouyang, Yuzhen Xu, Rong Zeng, Shushuo Kang, Guoqiang Zhang, Current status of distributed energy systems in China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 55, March 2016, Pages 288–297
(7) Zhun Yu, Gongsheng Huang, Fariborz Haghighat,Hongqiang Li,Guoqiang Zhang, Control strategies for integration of thermal energy storage into buildings: State-of-the-art review, Energy and Buildings Volume 106,2015, Pages 203–215
(8) Shushuo Kang , Hongqiang Li, Lifang Liu , Jing Lei ,Guoqiang Zhang, Exergy analysis of a novel CHP-GSHP coupling system, accepted by Applied Thermal Engineering, 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.09.039
(9) Shushuo Kang , Hongqiang Li, Jing Lei , Lifang Liu , Bo Cai , Guoqiang Zhang, A new utilization approach of the waste heat with mid-low temperature in the combined heating and power system integrating heat pump, Applied Energy,160 (2015) 185–193
(10) Rong Zeng, Hongqiang Li, Lifang Liu, Xiaofeng Zhang, Guoqiang Zhang, novel method based on multi-population genetic algorithm for CCHP–GSHP coupling system optimization, Energy Conversion and Management,105 (2015) 1138–1148
(11) HongQiang Li, ShuShuo Kang, Zhun Yu, Bo Cai, GuoQiang Zhang, A feasible system integrating combined heating and power system with ground-source heat pump, Energy, 74(2014)240-247
(12) Xiao Chen,Guoqiang Zhang,Study on the application of closed-loop lake water heat pump systems for lakefront buildings in south China climates, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy , 6, 033125 (2014)
(13) Xiao Chen, Guoqiang Zhang, Jie Han, Primary energy saving assessments for three types of water-source heat pump systems: case studies of China, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research , Volume (issue) 32(5)( 2014): 2971-2982
(14) Xiao Chen, The energy and exergy efficiencies of renewable energy utilization in a building stock, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 361-363(2013)
(15) HAO Xiao-li, ZHANG Guo-qiang, Maximum useful energy rate and efficiency of a recuperative Brayton cogeneration plant,Journal of Central South University, 20 (2013) 156-163
(16) Xiaoli Hao, Cangzhou Zhu, Yaolin Lin, Haiqiao Wang, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen, Optimizing the pad thickness of evaporative air-cooled chiller for maximum energy saving, Energy and Buildings ,61 (2013) 146-152
(17) Xiao Chen, Jie Han , Jing Zeng, Performance and benefits evaluation of two water-source heat pump systems for district heating, Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vols.204-208(2012), 4225-4228
(18) Yonghui Guo, Guoqiang Zhang, Jin Zhou, Jiasheng Wu, Wei Shen, A techno-economic comparison of a direct expansion ground-source and a secondary loop ground-coupled heat pump system for cooling in a residential building,Applied Thermal Engineering ,35 (2012) 29-39
(19) Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Exergy optimization of Joule-Brayton cogeneration cycle,International Journal of Exergy, 6(2009)34-48
(20) Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Maximum useful energy rate analysis of an endoreversible Joule-Brayton cogeneration cycle, Applied Energy, 84 (2007) 1092–1101
(21) Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen, Role of BCHP in energy and environmental sustainable development and its prospects in China,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(2007) 1827-1842
(22) Xiao Chen, Guoqiang Zhang, Jianguo Peng, Xuanjun Lin, Tingting Liu,The performance of an open-loop lake water heat pump system in south China,Applied Thermal Engineering, 26(2006)2255-2261
(1) 陶川,韩杰,欧阳磊鑫,欧科敏,张国强. 基于贝叶斯模型的区域建筑冷/热负荷预测方法研究. 暖通空调, 45(增刊)(2015), 14-18.
(2) 张国强,徐玉珍,韩杰,刘涛,吴海平.区域供冷系统供回水温差优化模型研究.湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 42(9) (2015), 128-133
(3) 曾蓉,李洪强,张国强. 冷热电三联产系统的优化配置与运行研究. 暖通空调, 45(增刊)(2015), 23-26.
(4) 刘涛;韩杰;夏博;张国强,区域供冷系统最优建筑组合形式研究,建筑科学 2015 (02) pp.117-120
(5) 曾竞,韩杰,张国强,杨志红,袁靓,区域供冷(热)管网优化技术及研究进展,煤气与热力 2014 (12) pp.35-39
(6) 欧科敏,韩杰,周晋,张国强. 区域建筑冷热负荷预测方法及其研究进展[J]. 暖通空调,2014,10:94-100.
(7) 李洪强,张晓烽,董文静,张国强. 智慧建筑能源物联网冷热输送管网优化研究[J]. 工程热物理学报,2014,07:1275-1279.
(8) 康书硕,李洪强,蔡博,霍培娜,朱彩侠,张国强. 分布式能源系统与地源热泵耦合的系统研究[J]. 工程热物理学报,2013,05:817-821.
(9) 陈晓,林汉柱,张国强. 水深与水面风力对湖水源热泵系统性能的影响[J]. 可再生能源,2013,03:107-111.
(10) 陈迪,韩杰,吴海平,陈海峰,张国强. 长沙某高校土壤源热泵热水系统设计及经济性分析[J]. 流体机械,2013,01:82-87.
(11) 蔡博,康书硕,李洪强,董文静,韩杰,张国强. 基于天然气基分布式能源系统智能建筑能源物联网研究[J]. 工程热物理学报,2012,12:2047-2051.
(12) 康书硕,李洪强,蔡博,胡姗,张国强. 冷热电联供系统中“以热定电”与“以电定热”的分析研究[J]. 建筑科学,2012,S2:255-259+265.
(13) 周晋,汪庆军,张国强. 垂直埋管换热器布置形式对地下换热特性的影响分析[J]. 流体机械,2012,09:56-61.
(14) 郝小礼,张国强. 内可逆闭式布雷顿联产装置输出率与效率[J]. 湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版),2012,02:66-71.
(15) 蔡博,李洪强,董文静,韩杰,张国强,张泠. 不同功能建筑的多能源优化匹配研究[J]. 重庆大学学报,2011,S1:128-132.
(16) 郭永辉,张国强,周晋,吴加胜,沈炜. 直接膨胀式地源热泵系统设计与性能分析[J]. 重庆大学学报,2011,S1:62-66.
(17) 郭永辉,张国强,周晋,吴加胜. 直接膨胀式土壤耦合热泵竖直单U形管换热器优化设计[J]. 暖通空调,2011,11:114-118+70.
(18) 张国强,周晋,曹阳,张于峰,邓娜,于向阳,陈亚男,栾景阳,潘玉琴,刁乃仁,于明志,林汉柱. “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目研究课题——村镇低品位能源综合利用关键技术研究[J]. 建设科技,2011,03:23-25.
(19) 郭永辉,张国强,周晋,吴加胜. 直接膨胀式土壤耦合热泵系统设计与施工[J]. 暖通空调,2010,12:61-66.
(20) 陈晓,张国强,林宣军,林汉柱. 夏热冬冷地区闭式湖水源热泵系统的运行特性分析[J]. 太阳能学报,2010,11:1452-1457.
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