Dr. Zhang's personal website



After nearly three years of preparation,“The 5th Interntaional Workshop on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings” and “The 3rd International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health(EERB-BEPH 2009)” co-sponsored by Hunan University, Hong Kong University, and Tsinghua University. ) was…

Courses Taught

Courses Taught

Since 1988, Dr. Zhang has taught the following courses: [1] Building sustainable development technology, for Doctor and Master Degree Students of Building Environment and Equipment Engineering [2] Building environment and equipment engineering system analysis, for Doctor and Master Degree Students of Building Environment and…



Address: College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, 410082, China Office: Room 403, Engineering Experimental Building, Hunan University Tel/Fax: +86 731 8882 1664 Mobile: +86 139 0731 7560 Email: gqzhang@188.com,  gqzhang@hnu.edu.cn Website: www.ChinaSBE.com,   www.hnu.edu.cn URL: http://www.chinasbe.com/people/gqzhang/

Sustainable Education

Sustainable Education

Since 1999, Dr. Zhang has gradually established a multi-disciplinary education system for sustainable built environment , including international cooperative education, sustainable building courses, new speciality setting and student competition practices, etc. : [1] Hunan University (China)-Concordia University (Canada) cooperative educational programs (including Building…

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