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  • 张国强
  • 编号:1    发布时间:2015-09-02 09:03:00    更新时间:2021-01-16 22:08:53
姓  名 张国强 性  别
职  称 教授 职  务 湖南大学城市与建筑创新研究院院长
本科学校 湖南大学 本科专业 供热与通风
硕士学校 湖南大学 硕士专业 建筑热能工程
博士学校 湖南大学 博士专业 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程
研究方向 绿色建筑设计理论,通风节能理论和技术,多能源区域供能技术,节能改造与监管技术,节能减排评价和推广理论与技术
学术兼职 学校现任职务 1. 二级教授,土木工程学科和建筑学学科博士生指导教师 2. 湖南大学建筑节能与绿色建筑研究中心 主任 3. 国家级建筑安全与环境国际联合研究中心 主任 4. 建筑安全与节能教育部重点实验室 副主任 5. 湖南大学设计研究院绿色建筑设计研究中心 主任 6. 湖南大学学术委员会 委员 7.《湖南大学学报》编委会 委员 8. 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程学科 责任教授 学校曾任职务 1. 湖南大学环境工程系 副系主任 2. 湖南大学土木工程学院 副院长 3. 湖南大学研究院 副院长 4. 湖南大学科学技术研究院 综合处处长 学术兼职(包括现任和曾任兼职) 国际学术兼职 1. 加拿大Concordia大学 兼职教授 2. 美国Missorui大学 兼职教授 3. 英国London South Bank 大学访问教授 4. 国际可持续建筑协会(iiSBE)理事 5. 国际刊物Building and Environment编审委员会 委员 6. The 4th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings(IAQVEC2001,第四届室内空气品质、通风与建筑节能国际学术会议) 主席 7. International Symposium on Built Environment and Public Health(BEPH2003,首届室内环境与健康国际研讨会) 主席 8. The Second International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health(BEPH2004,第二届室内环境与健康国际学术会议) 主席 9. International Symposium on Sustainable Built Environment Education(SBEE2007,可持续建筑教育国际研讨会) 主席 10. The 5th Interntaional Workshop on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings and the 3rd International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health( EERB-BEPH2009,第三届室内环境与健康国际学术会议暨第五届住宅建筑能源与环境国际学术会议) 主席 11. International Symposium on Sustainable City and Buildings(ISSCBE,可持续城市与建筑国际研讨会) 主席 12.亚洲城市2050:“高质量建造与可持续城市国际学术会议(AsiaCity2050)”,主席 13.空气渗透通风中心AIVC,董事会成员 14.国际室内空气品质、通风与建筑节能学会,副主席 15.ISBE国际建筑环境学会会员 16. 20余个国际学术会议学术委员会 委员 17. 20余份国际刊物 审稿人 国家级学术兼职 1. 中国环境科学学会 理事 2. 中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会 副理事长 3. 中国建筑学会暖通空调分会 理事、模拟专业委员会副主任 4. 中国建筑学会建筑热能动力分会 副理事长 5. 中国建筑节能协会节能服务专业委员会 常务委员 6. 中国城市科学研究会绿色建筑与节能专业委员会 委员 7. 中国勘察设计协会建筑环境与设备工程专业委员会 理事 8. 中国建筑业协会建筑节能专业委员会 委员 9. 建设部智能建筑专家委员会青年研究组 成员 10. 中国勘察设计协会工程智能设计分会 建筑智能化技术专家 11.《暖通空调》杂志编审委员会 委员 12.《建筑热能通风空调》杂志编审委员会 委员 13.《制冷空调与电力机械》杂志编审委员会 委员 14.《中国建设信息-暖通制冷》杂志编审委员会 委员 15. 中国建筑工业出版社《可持续建筑技术》系列教材 主编 16. 中国建筑学会《建筑热能通风空调》(www.chinabee.org)杂志 主编 17. 中国制冷空调工业协会《中国制冷空调暖通年鉴》 主编 省市和其他兼职 1. 建筑安全与节能教育部重点实验室学术委员会 委员 2. 广西建筑节能与新能源重点实验室学术委员会 委员 3. 重庆大学出版社《建筑环境与设备工程专业系列教材》(本科)教材编审委员会 委员 4. 空调制冷网(www.chinahvacr.com) 创办人 5. 节能减排网(www.chinaeser.cn) 创办人 6. 节能减排论坛和会展(www.eser-expo.com) 创办人 7. 湖南省建设科技与建筑节能协会 副会长 8. 湖南省制冷学会 副理事长 9. 湖南省土木建筑学会 常务理事 10. 湖南省、长沙市建筑节能与绿色建筑专家委员会 成员 11. 湖南省地源热泵产学研结合创新平台 主任、首席专家 12. 湖南省公共建筑能耗监管产学研结合创新平台 首席专家 13. 湖南省建设科技与建筑节能协会生态乡村建设专业委员会 主任 14. 湖南湖大瑞格能源科技有限公司 首席专家
承担项目 1. 欧盟国际合作项目1项 2. 国际能源署IEA Annex项目2项 3. 香港城市大学基础研究基金项目1项 4. 国家自然科学基金项目3项 5. 国家十五科技攻关计划项目1项 6. 国家十一五科技支撑计划项目2项 7. 国家国际科技合作专项2项 8. 国家教育部博士点基金项目1项 9. 财政部、发展改革委节能减排能力建设专项1项 10. 财政部、建设部项目4项 11. 湖南省科技重大专项1项 12. 湖南省重点科研项目1项 13. 湖南省教学改革项目1项
获  奖 人才计划 1.国务院政府特殊津贴获得者 2.中组部“万人计划”领军人才 3.人事部“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选 4.科技部“创新人才推进计划”入选者 5.教育部“高校青年教师奖”获得者 教学成果奖 1.2019,湖南省普通高等学校省级一流本科课程(排1) 2.2019,湖南省高等教育教学成果奖一等奖(排1) 3.2018,中国国际太阳能十项全能竞赛单项竞赛项目第一名 4.2018,可持续建筑技术,湖南大学品牌课程,湖南省普通高等学校省级精品课程 5.2017.12,湖南大学教学成果奖一等奖(排1) 6.2017.8,“青年中国行”2017年大学生暑期社会调研实践活动全国三十强团队,优秀指导教师,中华青年精英基金会 7.2008.9,湖南大学教学成果奖二等奖(排1) 8.2001.9,湖南大学教学成果校级三等奖(排3) 科研奖励 1.2014,广东省科技进步二等奖(排4) 2.2013,广东省建筑工程集团有限公司一等奖(排4) 3.2006,湖南省科技进步二等奖(排1) 4.2006, 高等学校科技进步一等奖(排1) 5.2006, 华夏建设科技一等奖(排12) 6.2006, 华夏建设科技三等奖(排2) 7.1999,湖南省建设科技进步二等奖(排8) 8.1996,机械部科技进步二等奖(排6) 9.1996,机械部科技进步三等奖(排2) 论文奖励 1.2019.10,湖南大学优秀博士学位论文(张晓烽,张国强等) 2.2018,英国皇家屋宇设备工程师学会优秀论文奖(Junli Zhou, Cheng Ye, Yan Hu, Dr Hassan Hemida, Guoqiang Zhang ,Wei Yang) 3.2015,《制冷学报》高被引论文奖(张国强,龚光彩等) 4.2013,中国建筑学会学术年会优秀论文奖(解明镜,张国强等) 5.2012,湖南省自然科学优秀论文一等奖(殷维,张国强等) 6.2011,湖南省自然科学优秀论文二等奖(郝小礼,张国强等) 7.2009,重庆市期刊好作品二等奖(李志生,张国强等) 8.2008,Building and Environment Most Cited Paper(韩杰,张国强等) 9.2007,重庆市期刊好作品三等奖(李志生,张国强等) 10.2006,全国暖通空调制冷学术年会青年优秀论文奖(郝小礼,张国强) 11.2005,Indoor Air国际学术会议学生论文奖(韩杰,张国强等)
著  作 1.Guoqiang Zhang,N. D. Kaushika,S. C. Kaushik,R. K. Tomar ,Advances in Energy and Built Environment,2018,Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 2.张国强 ,《建筑环境能源应用工程专业导论(第二版)》,重庆大学出版社 ,土木建筑工程,2014,教材 3.郝小礼,陈冠益,冯国会 ,张国强等,《可再生能源与建筑能源应用》,中国建筑工业出版社,2014 4.张国强,徐峰,周晋等,《可持续建筑技术》,中国建筑工业出版社,2009,国家级规划教材 5.徐峰,解明镜,刘煜,张国强等,《集成化建筑设计》,中国建筑工业出版社,2011 6.焦胜,邱灿红,徐峰,张国强等,《可持续居住区规划与设计》,中国建筑工业出版社,2010 7.喻李葵,杨建波,张国强等,《智能建筑与可持续发展》,中国建筑工业出版社,2010 8.张泉,王怡,谢更新,张国强等,《室内空气品质》,中国建筑工业出版社,2012 9.郝小礼,陈冠益,冯国会 ,张国强等,《可再生能源与建筑能源应用》,中国建筑工业出版社,2014 10.张国强,李志生,《建筑环境与设备工程专业导论》,重庆大学出版社,2007 11.Guoqiang Zhang,Xuesong Hou, Jilin Yang, Liwei Tian, Cong Zheng,《Built Environment and Public Health》,中国环境科学出版社,2004 12.张国强,陈友明,王汉青,陈焕新,邹声华,《建筑环境与设备工程专业英语》,湖南大学出版社,2003 13.张国强,喻李葵,《室内装修-谨防人类健康的杀手》,中国建筑工业出版社,2003 14.Guoqiang Zhang, Tin-Tai Chow,《Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings》,香港城市大学出版社,2001 15.张国强,柯水洲,《高层建筑设备设计》,湖南科学技术出版社,1999 16.柯水洲,张国强,方厚辉,《高层建筑设备施工》,湖南科学技术出版社,1998
论  文



1. Si Zou,Hongqiang Li,Shuang Wang,Ruihua Jiang,Jun Zou,Xiaofeng Zhang,Lifang Liu,Guoqiang Zhang. Experimental research on an innovative sawdust biomass-based insulation material for buildings[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020,260.
2. Yuekuan Zhou,Siqian Zheng,Guoqiang Zhang. A review on cooling performance enhancement for phase change materials integrated systems—flexible design and smart control with machine learning applications[J]. Building and Environment,2020,174.
3. Hongqiang Li,Fei Liang,Pengxin Guo,Changjie He,Shuisheng Li,Saiqun Zhou,Lu Deng,Chengying Bai,Xiaofeng Zhang,Guoqiang Zhang. Study on the biomass-based SOFC and ground source heat pump coupling cogeneration system[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2020,165.
4. Yaping Zhou,Jiayu Chen,Zhun Jerry Yu,Jun Li,Gongsheng Huang,Fariborz Haghighat,Guoqiang Zhang. A novel model based on multi-grained cascade forests with wavelet denoising for indoor occupancy estimation[J]. Building and Environment,2020,167.
5. Rong Zeng,Xiaofeng Zhang,Yan Deng,Hongqiang Li,Guoqiang Zhang. Optimization and performance comparison of combined cooling, heating and power/ground source heat pump/photovoltaic/solar thermal system under different load ratio for two operation strategies[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,2020,208.
6. Tang Liang,Zhou Yuekuan,Zheng Siqian,Zhang Guoqiang. Exergy-based optimisation of a phase change materials integrated hybrid renewable system for active cooling applications using supervised machine learning method[J]. Solar Energy,2020,195(C).
7. Yuekuan Zhou,Siqian Zheng,Guoqiang Zhang. Machine-learning based study on the on-site renewable electrical performance of an optimal hybrid PCMs integrated renewable system with high-level parameters’ uncertainties[J]. Renewable Energy,2020,151.
8. Yuekuan Zhou,Siqian Zheng,Guoqiang Zhang. Machine learning-based optimal design of a phase change material integrated renewable system with on-site PV, radiative cooling and hybrid ventilations—study of modelling and application in five climatic regions[J]. Energy,2020,192.
9. Jun Li,Zhun (Jerry) Yu,Fariborz Haghighat,Guoqiang Zhang. Development and improvement of occupant behavior models towards realistic building performance simulation: A review[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society,2019,50.
10. Rong Zeng,Xiaofeng Zhang,Yan Deng,Hongqiang Li,Guoqiang Zhang. An off-design model to optimize CCHP-GSHP system considering carbon tax[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,2019,189
11. Pengxin Guo,Hongqiang Li,Changjie He,Yingfa Zheng,Shuisheng Li,Guoqiang Zhang. Research on Landscape Energy-Saving Integrated Water Curtain System[J]. Journal of Thermal Science ,2019,28(6).
12. Yuekuan Zhou,Siqian Zheng,Guoqiang Zhang. Multivariable optimisation of a new PCMs integrated hybrid renewable system with active cooling and hybrid ventilations[J]. Journal of Building Engineering,2019,26.
13. Yuekuan Zhou,Siqian Zheng,Guoqiang Zhang. Artificial neural network based multivariable optimization of a hybrid system integrated with phase change materials, active cooling and hybrid ventilations[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,2019,197.
14. Yuekuan Zhou,Siqian Zheng,Guoqiang Zhang. Study on the energy performance enhancement of a new PCMs integrated hybrid system with the active cooling and hybrid ventilations[J]. Energy,2019,179.
15. Xiaohong Liu,Yuekuan Zhou,Chun-Qing Li,Yaolin Lin,Wei Yang,Guoqiang Zhang. Optimization of a New Phase Change Material Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal Panel with The Active Cooling Technique Using Taguchi Method[J]. Energies,2019,12(6).
16. YAN HU, JUNLI ZHOU* and GUOQIANG ZHANG,An approach of calculation and analysis of pulsating flow rate of single-sided ventilation due to unsteady wind pressure,Science and Technology for the Built Environment (2019) 0, 1–12
17. Zhengxuan Liu, Pengcheng Sun, Shuisheng Li, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Mohamed El Mankibi, Letizia Roccamena, Tingting Yang, Guoqiang Zhang. Enhancing a vertical earth-to-air heat exchanger system using tubular phase change material. Journal of Cleaner Production, 237(2019) 117763. SCI
18. Zhengxuan Liu, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Tingting Yang, Shuisheng Li, Mohamed El Mankibi, Letizia Roccamena, Di Qin, Guoqiang Zhang*. Experimental investigation of a vertical earth-to-air heat exchanger system. Energy Conversion and Management, 183(2019)241-251.SCI  
19. Guoqiang Zhang, Mohamed El Mankibi . Numerical modeling and parametric study of a vertical earth-to-air heat exchanger system. Energy, 172(2019)220-231 SCI
20. Zhengxuan Liu, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Tingting Yang, Mohamed El Mankibi, Letizia Roccamena, Ying Sun, Pengcheng Sun, Shuisheng Li, Guoqiang Zhang*. Experimental and numerical study of a vertical earth-to-air heat exchanger system integrated with annular phase change material. Energy Conversion and Management, 186(2019)433-449.SCI
21. Di Qin,Zhun (Jerry) Yu,Tingting Yang,Shuishen Li,Guoqiang Zhang. Thermal performance evaluation of a new structure hot water tank integrated with phase change materials[J]. Elsevier Ltd,2019,158.
22. Ping Zhang,Yafei Shi,Hanqing Zhao,Fulin Zhang,Guoqiang Zhang,Sixian Rao,Michael I. Ojovan. Corrosion Failure of AISI4340 Steel in Oxygen-Containing Aqueous Chloride Solution[J]. Hindawi,2019,2019.
23. Zhengxuan Liu, Zhun  (Jerry) Yu, Tingting Yang, Di Qin, Shuisheng Li, Guoqiang Zhang, Fariborz Haghighat, Mahmood Mastani Joybari. A review on macro-encapsulated phase change material for building envelope application. Building and Environment, 144(2018) 281-294. SCI
24. Zhengxuan Liu, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Tingting Yang, Shuisheng Li, Mohamed El Mankibi, Letizia Roccamena, Di Qin, Guoqiang Zhang. Designing and evaluating a new earth-to-air heat exchanger system in hot summer and cold winter areas. Energy Procedia, 158(2018)6087-6092.
25. Xiaohong Liu;Yuekuan Zhou*;Guoqiang Zhang.Numerical study on cooling performance of a ventilated Trombe wall with phase change materials[J]. Building Simulation.2018.SCI
26. Xiaofeng Zhang*;Xiaobo Liu;Xiaoqin Sun;Changwei Jiang;Hongqiang Li*;Quanbin Song;Jing Zeng;Guoqiang Zhang.Thermodynamic and economic assessment of a novel CCHP integrated system taking biomass, natural gas and geothermal energy as co-feeds[J]. Energy Conversion and Management.2018.SCI
27. Zhang, Xiaofeng;Li, Hongqiang*;Liu, Lifang;Bai, Chengying;Wang, Shuang;Song, Quanbin;Zeng, Jing;Liu, Xiaobo;Zhang, Guoqiang*.Exergetic and exergoeconomic assessment of a novel CHP system integrating biomass partial gasification with ground source heat pump.[J]. Energy Conversion & Management.2018.SCI
28. Xiaofeng Zhang;Hongqiang Li*;Lifang Liu;Chengying Bai;Shuang Wang;Quanbin Song;Jing Zeng;Xiaobo Liu;Guoqiang Zhang*.Optimization analysis of a novel combined heating and power system based on biomass partial gasification and ground source heat pump[J]. Energy Conversion and Management.2018.SCI
29. Xiaofeng Zhang;Hongqiang Li*;Lifang Liu;Chengying Bai;Shuang Wang;Jing Zeng;Xiaobo Liu;Nianping Li;Guoqiang Zhang*.Thermodynamic and economic analysis of biomass partial gasification process[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering.2018.SCI
30. Xiaohong Liu,Yuekuan Zhou,Guoqiang Zhang. Numerical study on cooling performance of a ventilated Trombe wall with phase change materials[J]. Building Simulation,2018,11(4).
31. Yuekuan Zhou,Chuck W.F. Yu,Guoqiang Zhang. Study on heat-transfer mechanism of wallboards containing active phase change material and parameter optimization with ventilation[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2018.
32. Zhou Junli;Ye, Cheng;Hu, Yan;Hemida, Hassan;Zhang, Guoqiang;Yang, Wei.Development of a model for single-sided, wind-driven natural ventilation in buildings.[J]. Building Services Engineering Research & Technology.2017. 2018,英国皇家屋宇设备工程师学会优秀论文奖
33. Jin Zhou;Yalun Song;Guoqiang Zhang.Correlation analysis of energy consumption and indoor long-term thermal environment of a residential building[J]. Energy Procedia.2017.
34. Yuekuan Zhou;Xiaohong Liu;Guoqiang Zhang.Performance of buildings integrated with a photovoltaic–thermal collector and phase change materials[J]. Procedia Engineering.2017.
35. Yaping Zhou;Zhun (Jerry) Yu;Jun Li;Yujian Huang;Guoqiang Zhang.The Effect of Temporal Resolution on the Accuracy of Predicting Building Occupant Behaviour based on Markov Chain Models[J]. Procedia Engineering.2017.
36. Yujian Huang;Zhun (Jerry) Yu;Jun Li;Yaping Zhou;Jin Zhou;Guoqiang Zhang.A Novel Energy Benchmarking Methodology Based on an Agent-Based Modeling Method[J]. Procedia Engineering.2017.
37. Jiang Liu;Zhun (Jerry) Yu;Zhengxuan Liu;Di Qin;Jin Zhou;Guoqiang Zhang.Performance Analysis of Earth-air Heat Exchangers in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Areas[J]. Procedia Engineering.2017.
38. Hongqiang Li;Xiaofeng Zhang;Lifang Liu;Shuang Wang;Guoqiang Zhang.Proposal and research on a combined heating and power system integrating biomass partial gasification with ground source heat pump[J]. Energy Conversion and Management.2017.
39. Zhun (Jerry) Yu;Jun Li;Bin Yang;Thomas Olofsson;Guoqiang Zhang.Temporarily occupied space with metabolic-rate-initiated thermal overshoots—A case study in railway stations in transition seasons[J]. Building and Environment.2017.
40. Shushuo Kang;Lin Lu;Hongqiang Li;Guoqiang Zhang.A Novel CHP-HP Coupling System and its Optimization Analysis by Genetic Algorithm[J]. Energy Procedia.2017.
41. Hongqiang Li;Shushuo Kang;Lin Lu;Lifang Liu;Xiaofeng Zhang;Guoqiang Zhang.Optimal design and analysis of a new CHP-HP integrated system[J]. Energy Conversion and Management.2017.
42. Cai, Bo;Li, Hongqiang;Hu, Yan;Zhang, Guoqiang.Operation strategy and suitability analysis of CHP system with heat recovery.[J]. Energy and Buildings.2017.
43. Bo Cai;Hongqiang Li;Yan Hu;Lifang Liu;Jie Huang;Andrea Lazzaretto;Guoqiang Zhang.Theoretical and experimental study of combined heat and power (CHP) system integrated with ground source heat pump (GSHP)[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering.2017.
44. Yin Wei , Jie Han, Hui Chen, Guoqiang Zhang, Zhaonan Xu,Winter Indoor thermal environment investigation in apartments at a central China city and Dutch Eindhoven,PLEA 2017 EDINBURGH
45. Yu, Zhun Jerry;Hu, Bin;Sun, Yongjun;Li, Anbang;Li, Jun;Zhang, Guoqiang.Standby energy use and saving potentials associated with occupant behavior of chinese rural homes[J]. Energy and Buildings.2017.
46. Zhou, YK (Zhou, Yuekuan);Zheng, SQ (Zheng, Siqian);Chen, H (Chen, Hao);Zhang, GQ (Zhang, Guoqiang).Thermal performance and optimized thickness of active shape-stabilized PCM boards for side-wall cooling and under-floor heating system[J].Indoor and Built Environment.2016,Vol.25(No.8):1279-1295.
47. Jun Li, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Yujian Huang ,Guoqiang Zhang,Impacts of occupant behaviour on energy performance benchmarking for residential buildings,The 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality Ventilation & Energy Conservation In Buildings,2016
48. Zhun Yu, Bin Yang*, Neng Zhu, Thomas Olofsson, Guoqiang Zhang, Utility of cooling overshoot for energy efficient thermal comfort in temporarily occupied space, Building and Environment, 109 (2016) 199-207
49. Zhun Yu, Jiayu Chen, Yongjun Sun*, Guoqiang Zhang, A GA-based system sizing method for net-zero energy buildings considering multi-criteria performance requirements under parameter uncertainties, Energy and Buildings, 129 (2016) 524-534
50. Hongqiang Li*, Xiaofeng Zhang, Lifang Liu, Rong Zeng, Guoqiang Zhang*, Exergy and environmental assessments of a novel trigeneration system taking biomass and solar energy as co-feeds , Applied Thermal Engineering 104 (2016) 697–706
51. Xiaofeng Zhang, Hongqiang Li*, Lifang Liu, Rong Zeng, Guoqiang Zhang*,Analysis of a feasible trigeneration system taking solar energy and biomass as co-feeds,Energy Conversion and Management 122 (2016) 74–84
52. Jing Zeng, Jie Han, Guoqiang Zhang*, Diameter optimization of district heating and cooling piping network based on hourly load,Applied Thermal Engineering, 107(2016),750-757
53. Shushuo Kang, Hongqiang Li*, Lifang Liu, Rong Zeng, Guoqiang Zhang*. Evaluation of a novel coupling system for various load conditions under different operating strategies. Energy Conversion & Management,109(2016)40-50
54. Rong Zeng, Hongqiang Li*, Runhua Jiang, Lifang Liu, Guoqiang Zhang*. A novel multi-objective optimization method for CCHP-GSHP coupling systems. Energy and Buildings,2016,112:149-158
55. Jie Han *, LeixinOuyang,YuzhenXu,RongZeng,ShushuoKang,GuoqiangZhang *,Current status of distributed energysystem in China,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,55(2016)288–297
56. Shushuo Kang , Hongqiang Li*, Lifang Liu , Jing Lei ,Guoqiang Zhang*, Exergy analysis of a novel CHP-GSHP coupling system, Applied Thermal Engineering ,93 (2016) 308–314
57. Jie Han, Leixin Ouyang, Yuzhen Xu, Rong Zeng, Shushuo Kang, Guoqiang Zhang, Current status of distributed energy systems in China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 55, March 2016, Pages 288–297


1. 张国强,中国建造高质量发展的思考与建议,城乡建设, CN 11-1618/D,2018,第19期,p17-19
2. 张平,张国强,唐益宁,郭艳妮.能源塔常用材料在不同载冷剂中的腐蚀行为[J].应用化学,2019,36(03):349-357
3. 付琳莉,殷维,王天文,郝小礼,刘何清,张国强,陈翚.被上游建筑遮挡的下游建筑表面风压CFD模拟的可靠性研究[J].土木与环境工程学报(中英文),2019,42(01):180-190.
4. 邹晓锐,周晋,邓星勇,张国强,太阳能-地源热泵耦合式热水系统优化匹配研究,太阳能学报,ISSN 0254-0096,CN 11-2082/TK,2017,第5期,p1281-1290
5. 蒋润花,曾蓉,李洪强,张国强,杨敏林,徐勇军,考虑气候条件及建筑类型等因素的分布式冷热电三联产系统的多目标优化及评估,中国电机工程学报,2016 (12) pp.68-76
6. 肖敏,张国强,国内外屋顶的绿化设计,《工业建筑》, 2015 (01) pp.189-193
7. 康书硕; 李洪强; 蔡博; 霍培娜; 朱彩侠; 张国强,分布式能源系统与地源热泵耦合的系统研究,《工程热物理学报》,2013 (05) pp.23-27
8. 李洪强张国强,智慧建筑能源物联网冷热输送管网优化研究,工程热物理学报,2014,(07) pp.25-29.
9. 曾丽萍,张泉,张国强,碳纳米管/二氧化钛/壳聚糖催化薄膜光催化活性及苯降解机理,环境工程学报 2013 (04) p269-275
10. 康书硕,李洪强,蔡博,霍培娜,朱彩侠,张国强. 分布式能源系统与地源热泵耦合的系统研究[J]. 工程热物理学报,2013,05:817-821.
11. 蔡博,康书硕,李洪强, 董文静, 韩杰,张国强,基于天然气基分布式能源系统智能建筑能源物联网研究,工程热物理学报,ISSN 0253-231X,2012 (12) p35-39
12. 周军莉,胡艳,张国强,自然风非稳态特性及其对室内环境的影响,科技导报,ISSN 1000-7857, 2012 (13) p64-70
13. 金熙,徐峰,张国强,自然的应变—华中湖区农村住宅被动式节能设计研究,装饰,ISSN 0412-3662,2012(10),P123-124
14. 邹俐辉,张泉,曾丽萍,张国强,二氧化钛/碳纳米管/壳聚糖薄膜的制备及对苯的降解性能,环境工程学报 ,ISSN 1673-9108,2012 (01) p276-280
15. 肖敏,张国强,刘宏成,湖南地区节能住宅屋顶设计研究,《工业建筑》,ISSN 1000-8993,2012,Vol.42,No.8,P49-53
16. 陈晓,张国强,林宣军,林汉柱,夏热冬冷地区闭式湖水源热泵系统的运行特性分析,太阳能学报,ISSN 0254-0096,2010, 2010 (11) p78-83
17. 陈小开, 张国强, 戴金财,轿车内苯系物的质量浓度特征,汽车工程,ISSN 1674-6546, 2010 (11) p83+88-92
18. 殷维,张国强,徐峰,吴加胜,自然通风设计通用流程初探,建筑学报,ISSN 0529-1399,2009(5)p77-80
19. 张国强,解明镜,徐峰,中国可持续建筑领域教育的分析与改革,建筑学报,ISSN 0529-1399,2009(9)p56-59
20. 徐峰,张国强,解明镜,以节能为目标的集成化建筑设计流程,建筑学报,ISSN 0529-1399,2009(11)p55-57
21. 陈晓,张国强,彭建国,林宣军,林汉柱,开式地表水源热泵在湖南某人工湖的应用研究.制冷学报,ISSN 0253-4339,2006(3)p10-13
22. 刘志强,汤广发,张国强,风冷热泵蒸发器结霜的动态分布参数模型仿真研究,制冷学报,ISSN 0253-4339,2002(3)p59
23. 周天泰,林章,宋春玲,张国强,用神经网络辨识直燃式溴化锂系统模型,制冷学报,ISSN 0253-4339,2001(1)p35-42
24. 张国强,龚光彩,Fariborz Haghighat,范运湘,陈在康,能源、环境与空调制冷,制冷学报,ISSN 0253-4339,2000(3)p1-6,1979-2010《制冷学报》高被引论文奖
25. 张国强,张泉,陈在康,吴元炜,杨纯华等,WEB暖通空调制冷行业信息系统研究,《制冷学报》,ISSN 0253-4339,1999,Vol.20,No.1, P57-60
26. 曾光明,张国强,曾北危,河流水质灰色模型的识别、模拟和应用,《中国环境科学》,ISSN 1000-6923,1994,Vol.14,No.1,P57-61
27. 曾光明,张国强,曾北危,河流水质系统的灰色规划方法和应用,《中国环境科学》,ISSN 1000-6923,1994,Vol.14,No.4,P289-295


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